August 29, 2021

1 Chronicles 6:1-10:14

What God said to me – I have called each one of My people and gifted them and equipped them for the tasks I called them for.  It may be as simple as baking bread for My temple or as difficult as leading an army into battle – one is not more important to Me than the other.  Obedience is what is important to Me.  Faithfulness is what is important to Me.  Whatever I put before you, do it wholeheartedly.  Give it your all – give it your best – for it is for Me.  Each one of My children is important to Me.  Each thing I call you to do is important – a part of My plan.  Each task faithfully completed pleases Me and fulfills a part of My plan.  Never think anything is too small for it’s in the small things that you learn faithfulness.

August 28, 2021

1 Chronicles 2:1-5:26

What God said to me – I have a name that is above all names and yet I know your name.  Your name is recorded in a long line of My children’s names.  You belong to Me.  Just as each one in the long list of genealogies served My purposes and fulfilled My plan, so I have a plan for you.  Read the names . . . see how I fulfilled My promise and preserved My people.  Know that I will do the same for you.  “I AM” a God who keeps promises.  It may seem bleak.  It may not seem possible but I always bring My children through the trials and restore them to the place I called them to be.  Trust Me.

August 27, 2021

2 Kings 25:1-30 1 Chronicles 1:1-50

What God said to me – I have a plan that “I AM” carrying out.  I can use anyone or anything to accomplish My purpose.  Nothing can thwart or stop Me.  “I AM” sovereign.  Never forget that one fact.  “I AM” sovereign.  “I AM” always in control whether you see it or not.  You must trust in that.  You must live in the light of that.  You must surrender yourself to be used by Me.  Don’t think of yourself as insignificant, think of yourself as one of Mine.  As you read name after name of people in My word, most you have no idea who they were or what they did and yet they were an important link in the chain of My plan. No one is insignificant to Me.  I know your name.