July 15, 2024

Deuteronomy 9-10, Psalms 54, Acts 10:1-29

What God said to me – Even when you are praying according to My will you may not see answers to your prayers for a long time.  Don’t be deceived into thinking your prayers are worthless or that I’m not hearing you.  My timing is My timing and it is perfect.  Trust that “I AM” at work even when you can’t see anything happening.  There is so much going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm that you can’t see or imagine.  Look at the account of Cornelius and Peter.  I was speaking to Cornelius about what I wanted him to do while far away I was also dealing with Peter about the same thing and Peter’s obedience brought about the answer to Cornelius’ prayer.  So don’t be discouraged and quit praying.  Trust that “I AM” at work and you will see and experience the answers in My own good time.

July 14, 2024

Deuteronomy 7-8, Psalms 53, Acts 9:17-43

What God said to me – I chose Israel to be a holy people to Me – a people for My own possession out of all of the people of the earth.  I set My love upon them and chose them not because of anything they had done or for who they were.  They did not choose Me, I chose them.  In the same way I chose you, My child, not because of anything you have done or for who you are.  Your calling is the same as Israel – to love Me and to serve Me and to live in such a way that the world knows that “I AM” your God.  All that you do and say should bring honor and glory to Me as you live your life before them.  Your reputation should be a reflection of who “I AM” and you can never do that apart from spending much time in My presence.

July 13, 2024

Deuteronomy 5-6, Psalms 52, Acts 9:1-19

What God said to me – I choose whom I choose to be Mine.  I chose Israel to be the nation to bless the world and I choose each child of Mine even today.  So when you look around don’t judge based on appearances or actions and think that person could never be saved.  When I called Ananias to go to Saul he originally balked because of Saul’s reputation of destroying the church.  But I chose Saul when no one else could see it – I had a plan for him.  So as you live your life don’t look at the people you encounter and base your interaction on how they look or on how they are acting.  Trust that I brought them into your sphere for a reason.  Be kind and look for opportunities to minister and share.  You don’t know who I have chosen.