July 12, 2024

Deuteronomy 4, Psalms 51, Acts 8:25-40

What God said to me – I put you where I put you for a reason so look around you – who are the people you associate with – who are the people you come into contact with?  You don’t have to go to a foreign land to be a missionary – you have a mission right where you are – to those you encounter each day.  How are you doing?  When I wanted Philip to minister to the Ethiopian eunuch, I put him there and Philip used the circumstances to engage him in conversation and share the gospel.  When he was done I took Philip away to Azotus and he didn’t miss a beat.  He believed I moved him so he could share with those who were there so he continued to minister where he found himself.  So look around you – listen to those you encounter – use their concerns and cares or joys and triumphs as a hook to engage them and share the good news of My love and faithfulness.

July 11, 2024

Deuteronomy 2-3, Psalms 50, Acts 8:1-25

What God said to me – Wandering in the wilderness is never easy – just ask My children, Israel.  But just as I did for them, “I AM” doing for you – “I AM” using this time in the wilderness as preparation for the battles to come.  “I AM” at work in you building your faith and strengthening you for what is ahead.  Trust Me.  Trust My timing.  You are living in difficult times not just in your own life but in the world.  Your goal is to remain faithful and steadfast through it all.  To accomplish that you must be more devoted than ever to this time alone with Me.  Don’t allow sadness or fear or discouragement to overtake you.  Turn to Me.  Trust Me.  Pray without ceasing and live in My word so I can strengthen and encourage you and you can stand firm and unwavering.

July 10, 2024

Deuteronomy 1, Psalms 49, Acts 7:30-60

What God said to me – Living for Me – speaking for Me – declaring the ungodliness around you to be sin – these things are an offense to the world.  They will hate you for it because it shines a light on the darkness of their lives and they don’t want to admit they are wrong.  When Stephen preached the truth with such power the people who heard were cut to the quick but rather than repent, they turned on him.  The same thing will happen to you when you stand for Me.  You may reach a few but most will turn on you and attack.  You must determine now that no matter their response you will stand firm.  Don’t be afraid but be ready.  “I AM” even now preparing you.