July 6, 2024

Numbers 32, Psalms 45, Acts 5:1-21

What God said to me – It is impossible to stay neutral in the world today.  You are either with Me or against Me.  There is a battle going on in society between good and evil – between right and wrong – between godliness and worldliness.  You cannot sit idly by and keep silent.  The weapons of our warfare are not physical but are divinely powerful.  Put on My full armor so you can stand firm.  Study My word – meditate on it – learn it so you are equipped and ready to defend your faith.  Pray without ceasing.  Speak the truth in love but speak so the world knows where you stand and who you stand for. You will be attacked, and you will face adversity because they don’t want to hear the truth but stand firm and you will hear Me say “well done”.

July 5, 2024

Numbers 31, Psalms 44, Acts 4:19-37

What God said to me – The early church understood that all that happened to My Son was what My hand and My purpose predestined to occur.  In spite of their fear of those who crucified Him their prayer was for confidence and boldness to speak My word.  In the same way as you see all of the ungodliness and chaos and attacks against My people, you need to pray this same prayer because all you see happening is what My hand and My purpose have predestined.  Pray for confidence and boldness to speak no matter how it is accepted or what the repercussions may be.  “I AM” working out My plan for this world and there are still a few who will come to Me so you be faithful to share.  Time is running out – feel the urgency and be bold.

July 4, 2024

Numbers 29-30, Psalms 43, Acts 4:1-22

What God said to me – It is important that My children walk in such a way and speak in such a way that those they encounter know they belong to Me.  If you are ever to make an impact for My kingdom your quiet confidence and steadfast faith must be apparent and to live in such a way you must spend much time with Me and in My word.  This doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or be person others enjoy being with but be known as kind and encouraging rather than coarse or cutting.  They may not like or agree with your beliefs but they will be drawn by your encouragement and kindness.  Your goal in your relationships as you walk with Me is not total acceptance by the world but to be a godly influence and witness so that some may be drawn to me.