May 28, 2024

Exodus 36-37, Psalms 7, Luke 6:27-49

What God said to me – The Tent of Meeting and later the Temple were the center of the life of My people, the Jews.  It was where I met them, and it was where they came to worship Me and give their offerings and make their sacrifices.  This place was of utmost importance in their spiritual lives.  Yet the ones who made these places were craftsmen, just simple people who used their talents and abilities to serve Me and in doing so changed the world by their obedience.  I didn’t call great and powerful people for the task and then supernaturally gift them to do it.  I called common people who used their natural talents and abilities in obedience to their call.  In the same way I use your natural talents and abilities to serve Me and accomplish My plans.  The question is – are you available and willing to serve?  Don’t worry that you’re not a great leader or speaker or outgoing or charismatic.  I want to use you where you are and who you are to accomplish My plan.  Are you willing to serve?

May 27, 2024

Exodus 34-35, Psalms 6, Luke 6:1-31

What God said to me – “I AM” always with you because you are My child and I will never leave you or forsake you.  But when you seek Me out in prayer and worship “I AM” with you in a special way.  I love for My children to seek Me out for fellowship, prayer, and worship.  When Moses came up to Me on the mountain, I descended to him and stood with him as he called upon My name.  Moses was My friend and I spoke to him personally but My Spirt did not dwell in him the way He does in you.  Moses came upon the mountain to meet Me and to worship and to hear from Me.  He went into the tent of meeting to meet Me and to worship and to hear from Me.  However under the new covenant I live in you.  “I AM” with you at all times.  You don’t have to go anywhere special to meet Me and worship Me and hear from Me.  So what are you doing with this special privilege?  How often do you worship and seek Me out?  You are without excuse.  “I AM” here waiting for you.  Come to Me.

May 26, 2024

Exodus 32-33, Psalms 5, Luke 5

What God said to me – When I brought the people of Israel out of Egypt and led the to the promised land, I promised them that My Presence would go with them and that I would give them rest.  Think about that – I promised to go with them and give them rest and yet many times I led them into conflict – into battle.  I know that seems like an oxymoron that you could be in the midst of a battle and also be at rest, but it is true.  It is true when you are following Me and “I AM” the one who led you into the conflict.  I never promised to lead you the easiest way.  You can be at peace in the midst of the most difficult trial when you are there because you followed Me.  Your peace comes from trusting Me and following wherever I lead knowing that you are exactly where I want you and My presence is always with you.