May 25, 2024

Exodus 30-31, Psalms 4, Luke 4:14-44

What God said to me – When you have doubts about what is happening in your life or you are unsettled, turn to Me, turn to My word for it’s there I will speak to you and comfort you and assure you that “I AM” in control.  You are My child and “I AM” working out My plan in your life.  Just as Jesus passed through the midst of the crowd who were trying to kill Him before His time, “I AM” at work in your circumstances.  My timing is always perfect.  Don’t try to manipulate circumstances or people to get what you want.  Trust Me and my timing to work things together for your good and My glory.  I will relieve your distress and the unsettling that you feel and give you peace.  I hear you when you call so call to Me often about everything that concerns you and I will put gladness in your heart and will lift up the light of My countenance upon you.

May 24, 2024

Exodus 29, Psalms 3, Luke 4:1-30

What God said to me – In the Old Testament My priests were consecrated for service by the blood of animals.  I have called My children today, My church, to be a kingdom of priests to serve Me and I have consecrated them for service by the blood of the Lamb, My Son.  You, therefore, My child are also a priest to Me.  Never forget that as you go about each day.  Serve Me in holiness.  Show others what it means to be My child and My priest by the way you live your life.  Spend much time in worship and in My word.  There will be times when you face opposition and ridicule but your responsibility is faithfulness, not people’s response.  I will draw who I will draw, you just be obedient and steadfast.  My Son faced much opposition but He remained faithful and changed the world.  You remain faithful in your walk and service, and I will use you also.

May 23, 2024

Exodus 27-28, Psalms 2, Luke 3

What God said to me – The time of John the Baptist was a time of uncertainty.  Something was going on but no one was really sure what.  The people were restless and in a state of expectations wondering if the coming of Christ was near.  Today is much the same.  The nations are in an uproar and things are uncertain.  People are restless and again wondering if the coming of Christ is near.  So how are you to live in such a world?  The same way John the Baptist did.  You walk with Me.  You stay in My word.  You watch for and use every opportunity to point people to Me.  Many are anxious and frightened by the things going on in the world.  The news is full of tragedy and evil.  Because of this many are open to hearing the good news of the gospel because they long for peace and are at a loss as to how to find it.  You have the answer they are seeking so be faithful to share.