May 17, 2024

Exodus 15-16, Job 38, 2 Peter 2

What God said to me – The world is succumbing to the delusion of the evil one.  Society is tumbling toward moral decay and they have no idea what is happening.  They are so deluded they think it is a good thing.  Nations are rising up against My people, Israel.  War is breaking out all over the world.  So much of it makes no sense, but their leaders have succumbed to the delusion.  Don’t be afraid.  Trust in My sovereignty and in My plan.  “I AM” orchestrating events to accomplish My purpose.  You can take comfort in the fact that I have never abandoned the righteous and I will even now deliver them.  I know how to rescue the godly and punish the unrighteous in the day of judgment.  As you see what is happening, know that My plan is unfolding perfectly.

May 16, 2024

Exodus 13-14, Job 37, 2 Peter 1

What God said to me – The world is becoming more and more corrupt.  It is spiraling toward complete destruction.  Because of this it is becoming more and more important that you apply all diligence in your walk.  Sin is so prevalent in every aspect of society that unless you are diligent in pursuing Me at all times, it is easy to slip away, to make excuses, to justify your sin.  If you want to be useful to Me in these last days you must diligently guard your heart and mind from the ungodly influences around you and you must pursue Me wholeheartedly.  Your peace and steadfastness and commitment will draw others to Me but these same characteristics will alienate others.  Your responsibility is to remain steadfast in your walk and to persevere in godliness.

May 15, 2024

Exodus 11-12, Job 36, James 5

What God said to me – When times are difficult and you or the people you know are suffering, what is your role?  You are to pray.  When things are going well for you or the people you know, what is your role?  You are to praise.  You should have a word of prayer or praise in your heart and mind at all times – no matter what is happening.  It should be second nature to you – like breathing.  When you spend your life walking with Me moment by moment, prayer and praise become automatic.  That is the essence of this lifelong conversation – understanding that “I AM” always with you and eager to hear from you and respond to you.  As we walk together and I point out a person or situation or even creation itself, your response should always be prayer and praise.